
Choose Cthulhu 2: The Mountains of Madness




The Mountains of Madness - Choose Cthulhu 2

The Stories of the famous writer H.P. Lovecraft in the format of the classic “Choose Your Own Adventure” books.

Choose Cthulhu: The Mountains of Madness is not a simple gamebook based on the work of Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Take the reins of the protagonists of the original stories of the master of Providence and face the cosmic terror of THE CTHULHU MYTHS.

A letter sent by the prestigious Miskatonic University invites you to lead a fabulous expedition to the remote and dangerous regions of the Antarctic. It's your chance to gain fame and prestige, but something dire hangs over the “Pabodie expedition.” What terrible secrets do the remote polar regions hide? What do the strange fossilized footprints found in the ice mean? Will you be able to uncover the terrible mystery of Camp Lake?


Publisher: AKATAKA/ El Cofre de Ulises
Language: Spanish